Thursday, June 29, 2006

The Weaponisation of Everyday Life (Asymmetric Warfare IV.)

"To shoot a genocidal robot policeman in the defense of life is a sacred act."
Timothy Leary

Superintendent – what do you super intend?

What and where is my direction?
I see my badge
My uniform
my polished black shoes
- a book of rules in the head,
a book of notes in the pocket
around my belt a range of options for discipline.

How many more years?
Bodies rotting lonely in council houses,
Garbage piled evenly across the floor
Traffic incident –
Marking evidence points
A bucket of sawdust for the blood.

Sights without common discourse
Can only be discussed with colleagues
And one’s consciousness is inbred
Options reduced
‘til you find only cruelty in the hearts of man.

One day they will make you wear black,
Place a mask and visor on your face
Remove the numbers from your shoulders
- place you in a line.

Do you want firearms training?
Do you want firearms training?
Do you want firearms training?

James Piers Taylor, 29/6/2006 in transit


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