Tuesday, August 01, 2006


She whispered in my ear at dawn
‘Only what is repressed is symbolized’
Then drifted away in her goose-pimpled skin to the forest-clad hill
Where all throats are conjoined in green praise
Through the butterfly cities and hawkish clearings
Bringing her dream to those who wear no watches
Encouraging mind-rifles to execute public clocks
Chiliast and Millenarian in her stooping at the brook
She squeezes a drop of entropy from the unpromising bud of science,
Tastes it, grins, and cartwheels over the locked gate.

‘You are deeper than your life’ my dreams sigh
Unconscious banditry looms from mountain passes, like
Maoists chopping monarchy, time-school’s out for ever
Decency is standard issue machine-thought
Vodafone connects us, but only to the triumph of alienation
So our sensed presentness is served up like a suckling pig to
The computational eye
Pretending that concepts trump perception
But losing Rousseau’s dream to a newly backed up hard-drive.

Where are the arts of our most smashed senses, our enfolding touch
Incipient taste, revolutionary smell?
Paint, write, play and dance this wholly excommunicate trinity
So I can love you with my million-membered imagination,
Tickle the dogs in your flooded basement with flakes of silver pavlova
Amid the sticky oil-slick of murdered dreams
Waiting for a weightless geometry
Giving it all away in a thunderstorm
Body as artefact, body of history
Blown from the tree of amnesia
Rhythm and beat of a feral heart
On fire with the sprig of eden.


clock image from: growabrain.typepad.com/.../index.html


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